CV - Pedro Jordano

CV - Pedro Jordano

Date: October 17, 2024

Personal Data

NIF: 30432736X
NRP: 3043273657-A6150
Born in Córdoba, Spain; July 23, 1957. Married, two sons.

Contact Information

Estación Biológica de Doñana, EBD-CSIC
Isla de La Cartuja
Avda. Americo Vespucio S/N
E-41092 Sevilla, Spain
Phone: +34 95 4466700 ext 1467
web: P Jordano Lab
Twitter: @pedro_jordano

Research interests

His research focuses on the study of biological diversity (biodiversity) from both ecological and evolutionary perspectives. He is interested in how ecological interactions shape complex ecological systems. He is a field ecologist fascinated by natural history and evolution, using an interdisciplinary approach that bridges different fields (field ecology, genetics, modeling) to study complex biological systems. The main theme encapsulating his research is the coevolutionary process within complex ecological interactions networks in high-diversity systems: 1) dispersal processes, gene flow and demographic effects of interactions with pollinators and frugivores in plant populations; 2) coevolution in complex networks of mutualistic interactions; and 3) basic natural history and evolutionary ecology of ecological interactions.

His scientific achievements include incorporating complex network analysis in the study of patterns, functions, and consequences of plant-animal mutualisms within ecosystems. This has unveiled the highly diversified and low-specificity character of these interactions and represented a pathbreaking approach to the study of coevolution in mega-diversity systems such as tropical forests. In addition he has developed molecular tools to track and measure seed dispersal distances by frugivorous animals, and the identity of the frugivore species dispersing seeds. The approach is based on using maternally-derived tissue (i.e., endocarp) attached to the seed to characterize the maternal (source tree) genotype with microsatellite markers, and DNA-barcoding dispersed seeds to identify frugivore species (from DNA remains of the animal on the seed surface). This has represented a major conceptual and methodological advance in the study of dispersal systems, and a key innovation with far-reaching consequences in future developments that link population genetics, metapopulation ecology, and dispersal ecology.

Reviews of his work: Science [Thompson, J.N. 2006. Science, 312:372; Shea, K. 2007. Science, 315:1231; Sudgen, A.W. 2011. Science 333: 1201], Nature [Renner, S. 2007. Nature, 448:877; May, R.M. et al. 2008. Nature, 451:893], and Current Biology [Pannell, JR. 2007. Current Biology, 17: R360].

Research lines

• Coevolution of plant-animal interactions
• Complex networks of ecological interactions
• Molecular ecology of pollination and seed dispersal by animals
• Natural history and conservation biology of plant-animal mutualisms

Track Record

Researcher ID: A-5162-2008
ORCID id code: 0000-0003-2142-9116
Google Scholar: GScholar-P Jordano
Research Gate: ResGate-P Jordano
ImpactStory: 0000-0003-2142-9116
DigitalCSIC: rp06561
Scopus Author: 6701660089

Track Record Summary

  1. Books: 4
  2. Scientific papers: 325 / ISI: 286
  3. Book chapters: 26
  4. Master Thesis supervised: 12.
  5. PhD Thesis supervised: 21 / Ongoing: 1.
  6. Post-doctoral fellows supervised: 26 (4 Marie Curie UE fellowships, 3 Ramón y Cajal tenure track positions).

Three of my supervised PhD theses obtained the Excellence Award, Univ. Sevilla (2), Univ. La Laguna (1), Spain. One supervised PhD thesis awarded with the best Doctoral Thesis in Brazil, 2007.

Citation Record Summary

Last Updated: 01/02/2025 12:29 GMT  

 Google Scholar
 Number of documents: 337
Citations: All: 42365 Since 2020: 16194
h-index: 94 i10-index: 184

Total Articles: 271 (205 indexed)  
Times Cited: 23348  
Avg. Citations/Article: 78
h-index: 76


MSc Biological Sciences
Center: Fac. Ciencias, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain
Date: September 25, 1979; Excellence Award; Qualifications: 3.83 (top, 4.00).

PhD Biology Center: Fac. Biología, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Date: October 14, 1984. Excellence Award.

Present affiliation


2018-2023. Presdient and Chair of the Environmental Sciences and Technologies program, National Research Agency (AEI), Ministry of Science, and Innovation, Spain.
2020-2023. Member of the Multidisciplinary Scientific Advice Group for the post-COVID-19, Government of Spain. Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Environment.
2012-2016. Chair, Starting Grants panel LS8 at the European Research Council (Brussels) (vice-chair 2008-2011).
2008-2013. Chair, Spanish panel for the National Research Plan, program of Biodiversity, Ecology and Global Change, Ministry of Economy and Innovation, Spain.
2003-2008. Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, National Research Panel officer, Biodiversity, Ecology and Global Change Program.
2004-2008. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, representative in Eurocores EuroDiversity Program, European Science Foundation.
2004-present. Professor of Research, CSIC.
2001-2004. Director of the Dept. of Evolutionary Biology, Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC.
1997-2002. Scientific coordinator, Molecular Ecology Laboratory, Estación Biol. Doñana.
1996-2004. Scientific Researcher, CSIC.
1987-1995. Associate Researcher, CSIC.

Publications. Main papers

Papers marked with asterisks are included as "Research Front" or Hot-topic papers in ISI Essential Science Indicators. Four additional papers in Faculty1000 marked as 'Must Read' and 'Exceptional'. All these papers had equal contribution to authorship. For a full list of publications, please visit: Included in SCI (Web of Science) list "Most influential Scientific Minds", years 2015 to 2020.

Research Projects

Project Title, Funding source, Amount, Period, Role of PI.
- Multiplex networks of plant-animal interactions. Natl. Agency, Spain (MINCINN). CGL2017-82847-P. 220Keur. 2018-2021. PI.
- LifeWatch-ERIC, eLabs-BIOINTERACT. Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain. 983Keur. 2021-2023. PI. - Moving with the flood: spatial ecology, movement strategies and connectivity of the pin-tailed sandgrouse population in Doñana National Park in relation to marshland dynamics, land use change and agriculture intensification (GANGAMOVE). PN-2020-2646/2020. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales, Minist. Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (Spain). 90Keur. 2021-2023. PI. - Biodiversity's Interactome: the functional framework of species interactions. BiodivINTERACTOME. PY18-HO-4814. 50Keur. 2021-2022. PI. - Defaunation and plant-animal interactions in the Atlantic rainforest. FAPESP, Brazil. 180Keur. 2015-2019. Collaborator.
- Genetic variability and long-distance dispersal, tree species. Regional Govt. Natl. Agency 450Keur. 2010-2017. PI.
- Plant-animal interactions and gene flow. Natl. Agency, Spain (MINCINN). 240Keur. 2013-2017. PI.

Fellowships and Awards

2018 National Research Award "Alejandro Malaspina" in the area of Environmental Sciences and Technologies. Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities.

2018 Premio Ecosistemas-Luis Balaguer. Spanish Ecological Society.

2016 British Ecological Society, Marsh Award (best book in Ecology) for Mutualistic networks (Princeton Univ. Press), 2014, co-authored with J. Bascompte.

2014 Rey Jaime I Award, Environmental Conservation, in its XXVII edition. 2014. This is the most prestigious scientific award in Spain, with an international jury including 18 Nobel laureates. Awarded by the Generalitat de Valencia.

2008 Mercer Award, Ecological Society of America; for a paper co-authored with J. Bascompte and J.M. Olesen ("Asymmetric coevolutionary networks facilitate biodiversity maintenance". 2006, Science 312: 431-433).



Supervised 23 Post-doctoral fellowships, 21 PhD theses (plus 4 external supervisions), and 9 Master theses. 2018-present. Associate professor, Dept. Bioilogía Vegetal y ecología, Universidad de Sevilla. Sevilla, Spain. 2008-2016. Director, Master Course "Biodiversity and Conservation Biology". Universidad Pablo de Olavide-CSIC. Sevilla, Spain.
2000-present. Co-organizer, Latin-American Field Course on Frugivory and Seed Dispersal, Univ. Campinas (UNICAMP) and Univ. Estadual S Paulo (UNESP, Rio Claro). Participating students form 9 Latin-American countries.
2012-2015. Prog. Ciência Sem Fronteiras. Foreign professor Programa de post-graduação em Ecologia, UNESP-USP (Rio Claro, Brazil). Visiting faculty to Univ. Campinas (Brazil), collaboration with the Programa de post-graduação at Dept. Zoology (2004, 2005).
Several years between 1992-present. Visiting Faculty, Univ. Puerto Rico, UNAM (Mexico), Umeå Univ., Stockholm Univ. (Sweden), Univ. California Sta Cruz, Stanford Univ., Yale Univ.: Special Topics courses for graduate students.

Other Scientific Activities (Summary)

Member of the editorial boards for: Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics; PLoS Biology; Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics; Journal of Evolutionary Biology; Movement Ecology; and former member of the advisory board of Ecography and Oikos.